Ice Alaska Boot Camp

Can you feel the air?  

Winter has arrived in Fairbanks and our pond ice is growing!  Our Local year-round volunteers have been busy grooming the pond to encourage ice growth.  That means removing the insulating snow to keep the ice exposed to the cooler temperatures outside.  Today, December 15th, Mr. Steve Brice was out marking the areas for the first cuts of this winter season.  If the weather stays cool, maybe before the end of this month we can harvest our first blocks of ice!  

We have a great team of artists scheduled to arrive in various stages.  A few are expected by the second week of January to start laying the foundations of the 2020 Ice Park.  Then by the first of February, the rest should be on hand, along with Volunteers from around Fairbanks and Ft Wainwright, a small army of very fine folks will build this park and have it ready for opening day on February 15th.  

We have plenty to do and volunteering is a great way to get out of the house and combat that cabin fever!  You are warmly invited to join us VOLUNTEER SIGN UP 


Have an Ice Day


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Get in Touch

Ice Alaska


A: 1800 College Rd

Fairbanks, Alaska 99709


A:  PO Box 74674

Fairbanks, AK 99707


T: 1 (833) 4ICEART (442-3278)